Saturday, March 31, 2007

Schedule a Visit with Margaret

Leave a comment here if you want to schedule a visit. Someone will get back with you provided you do not leave your comment anonymously.


Claudia said...

Hey Kido,
Any sighting of the USS Minnow or Mary Ann??? Let me know if you feel up to a visit and if so when? Thinking of you and in keeping with the theme, James and I went to the Islands for lunch. Hope everything is smooth sailing with you.
Love, ME

Mary Al-Saleh, PhD, RN, CLT said...

Hi Claudia,
I'm wondering where Ginger is...I think based on Margaret's leg action she is hiding in the bathroom giving Margaret pointers:)

margaret said...

Hello Claudia,
Ginger was last seen singing at the Islands. Anchors away!

Claudia said...

Margaret, I know who you got that move from and it wasn't Ginger. I'll be around for hush money this week.
Love, ME

Anonymous said...

I think Claudia and Margaret should take thier Island Show on the road. I'd pay to catch it. Margaret, let Jon and I know when would be a good time to come for a visit. I'll bring the umbrellas for the Island drinks. Love Debra and Jon