Margaret enjoyed family and friends, just prior to starting the next phase of her recovery
This blog is devoted to Margaret Carmen Thomas, who is starting on a new journey to beat leukemia. Margaret will use this space to communicate with family, friends, peers, art teachers, old hippies, doctors, lawyers and indian chiefs. Our prayers and good wishes are to be exchanged here. Please respond to Margaret at this site. Send her and Ken your pictures, cards, poems, inspiration and happy thoughts.
Nice hat mom, good luck with your treatment, and I will see you next weekend!
Beautiful picture, Margaret!!
I love your sparkling Ruby Red hat!
It's a little bit of Oz mixed in with a tad of Carmen Miranda via Pureto Rico, it's perfect for you.
Do you still want me to buy you those fish-net hose???
You are an inspiration to all of us. I know the Lord is giving you the strength to fight this battle, but your spirit and faithfulness amazes me. I love you. Keep up the good work.
I love you momma!
Chris from Alaska Hey there! I know I'm a bit late in saying Hey! I'm sitting here with a friend who is showing me how to do this blog. I'm pretty computer illiterate. Good picture! Keep on following the yellow brick road!
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