Thursday, April 5, 2007

Day 7- Bless me father

The priest came in to visit Margaret today, and made her soul feel happy.


Ken said...

Today at home, while setting the alarm, I accidently turned on the radio and they were playing a Michael Jackson song. Now, his character aside, I must say that there are only two songs he ever recorded that I actually enjoyed, and this was one: "Beat It."

My stress and anxiety about Margaret's condition lifted as I listened to the refrain. A joy of life surged into me and I actually began dancing alone in the room. My high school students would have been shocked, perhaps revolted at the sight, but there I was, dancing and doing a moon walk around the room, singing, "Just beat it!"

The image of Wierd Al Yankovich doing a parody of the song on MTV came to mind, so I tried one of his awkward dance moves. Not easy at my weight, but it was fun. As I became aware of a smile on my lips, I noticed there were also tears on my face. Margaret was in the hospital and I was at home, trying desperately to get over a sneezy cold so that I could visit her. But I knew the song was a message meant for both of us.

Spiritual messages aren't always communicated through burning bushes in the wilderness. Sometimes, they are mixed in with everyday life. They may be apparently ambiguous, but to the person perceiving them, they are clear.

Just beat it. I have faith that you will do it, Margaret.

Margaret, just beat it.

Mary Al-Saleh, PhD, RN, CLT said...

Ken, I enjoyed reading your Michael Jackson refrain of "Beat It." I was really touched by your comment on spirituality too. Messages come to us and sometimes we actually hear them. Get better soon so you can give Margaret a dancing lesson!

Anonymous said...

What was the dog doing while you were dancing around the room?? I look forward to dancing with you again.