Monday, April 2, 2007

Margaret and Ken's Dog Cosmo


Anonymous said...

Margaret--Maybe Kathy C. can put one of her "Dog in Training" vests on Cosmo and we can sneak him in to see you. I'm not sure how he would feel about wearing one of the yellow masks though. I have to give that part of the scheme some furthur thought.


Anonymous said...

Kathy C here....Just ask at the nursing station about a "therapy dog visit" and if its ok, I have the vest and Margaret has the dog. Maybe Dillon can give him a bath and I can make a few adjustments w/the vest and we'll be good to go. It actually has an "in training" patch on it so we'd be legal.

Anonymous said...

Hey Kathy C., since your game for a therapy visit, let's check with Cosmo's schedule and do it.