Saturday, June 2, 2007

Margaret's Brother is Her Hero

Today Margaret's brother, Raymond, visited her at the City of Hope Bone Marrow Transplant Clinic at Banner Good Samaritan Hospital. Margaret presented him with a hero's medal because he saved her life by being a bone marrow donor.

Raymond's wife Sally was also there, along with Margaret & Raymond's mother.

In the photo, Margaret's left eye shows the after effects of the procedure done yesterday, where a small optical tube was inserted into her nostril and down into her lungs. A little bleeding took place under the skin in her nose, near her eye, and so it looks like she received a black eye.


Anonymous said...

He's a hero in my book too :) We hope you get better soon Auntie !!!!!

Love Rob & Jenn

Claudia said...

You are a HERO! We are so proud of you. I hope you are back to 100% from the procedure. I'm praying for both of you.
Sally thank you for helping out with everything. It gives Margaret peace of mind knowing you are there to take care of things.